The Yellowstone Heritage Trail is a vision for a multi-use trail system from Livingston, Montana to Yellowstone National Park. The OH! movement will be providing a grant to help with the Trust for Public Land and its anticipated completion of the first segment for this new trail. The project will increase outdoor access for all ages and abilities while providing health and economic benefits to the community.
This incredible new addition will provide outdoor access to the Park County community, and will protect 23-acres of open space. Plus, it will create 3+ miles of trail and serve as a catalyst in ongoing community planning regarding open space, parks and trail within this rural and underserved county.
To learn more about the Yellowstone Heritage Trail project, click the link below! And, be sure to check back for additional updates from the Outdoor Happiness Movement and its participation as this project is projected to begin in 2024!
Photo by Lucas on Unsplash